When Mahindra launched the new XUV700 in South Africa, we knew the vehicle had a purpose to fulfil.
We wanted it to be the perfect companion for man; a vehicle that can take you places you have never been and enable you to unleash your inner explorer and explore active living.
To #ExploreActiveLiving and help people relate to the most authentic partnership between Man and Machine in this environment, Mahindra South Africa brought together close friends and invited them on an exciting great escape with the all-new XUV700.
Driving into new experiences with a set of Mahindra XUV700 wheels are:
The couple: Li-Mari and Adriaan; the lifelong friends: Mojaki and Maserame; as well as the newly found friends: Mark and Chantal.
Over the next 15 days, this group of friends will break away from the city buzz to explore active living around the Western Province. They participate in adrenaline-inducing activities ranging from mountain biking to paintballing.
And of course, no action-packed adventure is complete without a trustworthy side-kick. The XUV700 is the perfect partner to enable active living with its power, capabilities and advanced engineering. From the bachelor to the modern family, the XUV700 is a vehicle that allows all to experience the many adventures that come along with active living.
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